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Førstemann til mølla! Billigere og bedre enn dette blir det ikke.

Etter en innkjøringsperiode endrer vi nå forpakninger og design. I denne forbindelse tømmer vi lageret. Kun kr. 279,- pr. stk. for 100 ml. Frakt på kr. 59,- tilkommer. Ved kjøp av to stk. eller flere spanderer vi frakten.

Father and Son Playing

Visste du at vår krem så langt har hjulpet over tusen småbarnsforeldre? Alle tilbakemeldinger går på at dette er den kremen som fungerer best som vedlikeholdskrem for deres barn, og at de opplever å kunne reduserer bruken av kortisonpreparater betraktelig.

Skin disorder or abdominal pain?

​Uten antibiotika, hormoner og benzoylperoksid

En tynn og lett krem laget med en unik formula hentet fra hudens eget immunforsvar. Balanserer og gjenoppretter hudtyper spesielt utsatt:

  • Sår

  • Rødhet/Utslett

  • Ømhet

  • Svie

  • Kløe


Egnet for bruk på alle hudtyper.

Wounds or wound healing

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95% improvement in symptoms such as irritated skin and burning sensation in an average of 1 day.

Fungal infection

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83% improvement in symptoms such as redness, itching, white coating and bad odor in an average of 3 days. 


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71% improvement in symptoms such as redness, itching and burning sensation in an average of 3 days.

Vulvodynia & tears

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85% improvement in symptoms such as burning, itching and burning sensation in an average of 3 days.


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83% improvement in symptoms such as redness, scaling, itching and burning sensation in an average of 2 days.

Sun eczema

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83% improvement in symptoms such as redness, scaling, itching and burning sensation in an average of 4 days.


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80% improvement in symptoms such as redness, itching and burning sensation in an average of 4 days.

"When my son got atopic eczema as a baby, we couldn't find any cream that worked well. Cortisone can only be used for short periods, and he experienced constantly recurring rashes and severe itching. We used claw gloves to avoid large wounds. Through a joint network, I got contact with Leantine, and together with PharmaTech we have now developed products for imbalanced skin."

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— Tuva Christoffersen, CEO and materials scientist

​We add DeltaDerma's formula in the right amount with the right distribution on and in the skin so that the natural balance in the skin is restored

"I started struggling with impure skin at a young age and have struggled with this for many years. I use a prescription cream to keep this in check and from this cream I get side effects such as sore, dry and red skin on my face. I have also struggled with eczema on the inside of my arms and behind my ears. DeltaDerma has helped keep the side effects from the prescription cream at bay and I have also had a very good effect from this when I use it on my eczema. After just one application I experience that the redness/rash is greatly reduced or completely gone, and that the itching disappears."


— Emilie Christoffersen, Digital marketing

Trace element of zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral involved in an incredible number of cellular processes. It is necessary for cell division, cell growth, immunity, fertility, hormone health, blood clotting, thyroid function, eye health, wound healing and protection of our skin against bacteria and viruses.


Zinc plays an important role in skin health. Healthy skin contains a relatively high zinc content of 5%, mainly found in the epidermis. It is crucial for wound healing and the skin's immune response.

Even mild zinc deficiency can lead to many skin conditions, which can quickly lead to rough skin and impaired wound healing.


DeltaDerma's unique approach uses the trace element zinc obtained by a proprietary synthesis to create the perfect statistical distribution of the element on the skin that resembles its natural presence in healthy skin.

Kvinne som bruker krem

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